Post-Fall Fair thank you's in the form of an embarassing story

While posing for this shot, I tucked my camera bag under my left arm. Turns out a corner of the bag was peeking out, making it look as though I had a nasty armpit stain. I Photoshopped the 'stain' out, but left the dishelved hair, as it seemed to match my singing-mates' hair.
For coming to watch, videotaping, and moshing to the Gregorian Chant (or not), a shout out to Agatha and Reuben, to whom we'd have given the setlist if it weren't for the fact we didn't have one, on principle.
i take offense to that...sort of. even if it's true :P
almost anonymous, at 4:40 PM
yeah!!! That was wicked fun. How did you ever get so cool?
Chris, at 9:21 PM
You take offense to which?
Eh, doesn't matter, here have an enthusiastic apology and a deep bow from the waist!
m, at 9:40 PM
offense to the hair thing :P
many thanks for the highly kinesthetic apology
almost anonymous, at 11:03 PM
I'm just the gift that keeps on giving. I was going to throw up the horns for y'all, but it seemed a mite inappropriate.
Best cheeky comment of the noon:
Mai: *right before gregorian chant* Sing along if you know the words!
Rohbit, at 1:10 AM
Heh... strange thing to say since I so obviously didn't know the words myself!
m, at 10:58 AM
did she say that?
almost anonymous, at 12:10 PM
Yes I did, actually. It was a sarcastic commentary on my own ineptitude.
m, at 3:45 PM
haha! I wish I'd heard that!!!! That's such a funny thing to say!
Chris, at 11:39 PM
hehe. but the funny thing is...i bet quite a few people at least knew the tune
almost anonymous, at 7:52 AM
I guess, actually I never even heard that tune before, and although it's easy, the toughest thing about it is that it's in such a weird time signature, which we actually didn't follow (and nobody would notice anyways), but I had such a hard time at first feeling the song.
Chris, at 7:52 PM
it was kinda fun though
i wonder what people *really* thought about it
almost anonymous, at 11:19 PM
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